Saturday, January 30, 2010

Nice Things About ...

It was last January 21, and it was the first time that I together with my group mates in observation in Pansol Elementary School, at first we talk to the principal to tell what is our business there or why we were there, after that the principal introduce as one by one to our respective cooperating teacher, I was assigned to the class of Mrs. Morato which is a grade five class, as usual the students has many questions about everything and some are personal questions, the students are to knowledgeable in everything that happens to our environment, I guess it is because of the media that affects the learning of the students.

On January 26, I go again to Pansol Elementary School to have my observation, during that day I was able to observed three consecutive classes of grade five section 1 to their different teacher: at first was their class in science which they had their activity about the rotation of the Earth to the sun;
on their second class which is HEKASI, what they do is just writing of what they discuss during their last session, their teacher ask me to guide the students because he will be out for important matter, after the class the many of the students able to finish their writings of their lesson, but not all specially the boys because they chat first to their seatmate or even to me.; the third class is class in english, their teacher in english had a good technique in motivating he’s students to participate in class discussion have they have their rule is class that the students are not allowed to talk in filipino and if the students talk in filipino the secretary will list the name of the one who violate the rule and the violator have to pay for he’s offense. After the class I together with my group mates go back to the town proper, because we still had our class on the afternoon.

January 28, it was a whole day observation, at the same time it is the final demonstration of the forth year doing their internship in Pansol Elementary School. I was assigned to observed the demonstration of Miss Aubrey Ayerba in grade on, as what I observed she did a very good job in her demonstration, although some of her students are not paying attention, I understand it because her students are just In grade one,
the visual aids are very nice it attract the attention of her pupils, and her teaching strategy was effective. Actually if I was given a chance to rate her performance, I will give her a very satisfactory grade. On the afternoon, I just observed the review of the grade five because they will have their Regional Achievement Test (REAT). On their last period which is Physical Education. I was able to jam with the grade five students and I even play with them together with their teacher in english and with Kua Francis one of the intern in Pansol Elementary School.